Show weekend in Montenegro went great!:
Maggie has 4 new Champion titles: CH of Montenegro, CH of Balkan, CH of the Adriatic and CH of the Mediterranean.
European Dog Show 2024 (Slovenia):
Maggie won European Winner title!
2024 show season
Show news from Slovenia
Maggie won: 2 x CAC-J, 2 x CACIB-J, 2 x Best Junior, 2 x Best of Breed.
This was the 3rd country where she won CACIB-J, so she fulfilled the FCI new title: Maggie is a brand new JUNIOR INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION!
Show weekend in Bosnia went excellent!
Olympic Show: Maggie won Best Junior + Best of Breed + Sarajevo Winner.
Specialty Show for FCI V. group: she won Best Junior + Best of Breed.
2023 show season started great!
National show (Hungary): Maggie won Baby Club Winner and Baby Best in Show.
European Dog Show (Denmark): Maggie won Puppy European Winner + Best Puppy!
National Dog Show (Hungary): Maggie" won Best Puppy and in the "Most beautiful dog in Jászberény City" competition she won Best in Show 2nd place!
Association of American Akita and Ancient Dogs (Club Winner Show for FCI V. group): Maggie won Puppy Club Winner + Best Puppy and Puppy Best in Show 3rd place!
International Show weekend in Hungary: Maggie won 2 x Best Junior, 1 x Best of Breed, 1 x Best of opposite sex.
Club Show of Hungarian Spitz Association: Maggie won Junior Club Winner + Best Junior + Best of Breed and Junior Best in Show 4th place!
With this result she is JUNIOR CHAMPION OF HUNGARY!